Assessment Resources

Program Assessment Overview by Professor Irene Foster, Department of Economics (Video)

Organizations and Websites:

  • ASSESS listserv is an excellent resource that provides information about developments in the assessment field, job opportunities, and promotes dialogue among assessment professionals. It is maintained by the University of Kentucky. To subscribe, follow the directions on its website:
  • Assessment Commons: Most comprehensive site for internet resources for higher education outcomes assessment
  • Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE): The AALHE community is composed of assessment professionals in higher education whose mission is “to develop and support a community of educators and inform assessment practices in higher education to foster and improve student learning and institutional quality.” It has an active volunteer community, with great networking opportunities; holds an annual conference; produces an online assessment journal; serves as an excellent source for resources; and manages an assessment listserv.
  • Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U): Created, refined, and conduct research on the VALUE rubrics. The mission of the Association of American Colleges and Universities is to advance the vitality and public standing of liberal education by making quality and equity the foundations for excellence in undergraduate education in service to democracy.
  • GW Instructional Core is GW’s central hub for faculty development, online course design, digital fluency, and instructional technology.
  • National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA): Great resource for information on assessment practices. Its occasional papers are excellent. It is a research and resource-development organization, dedicated to documenting, advocating, and facilitating the systematic use of learning outcomes assessment to improve student learning.