The George Washington University Bulletin

The Office of Academic Publications has oversight of the content maintenance and publication of the University Bulletin. If you have questions regarding the Bulletin contact Gina Harris, [email protected], 202-994-6310.

Purpose and applicability

The Bulletin is the University’s contract with the student. As such, it is the single official set of degree requirements, regulations, and rules applicable to a student matriculating in a given academic year, from their first semester of enrollment until all degree requirements have been fulfilled. Bulletins from previous years are archived on the current Bulletin website at

Managing Bulletin content

The published Bulletin at comprises data from two sources. Course descriptions and program requirements are stored and managed in the CourseLeaf database. Bulletin pages, which contain all non-course and non-program information, are edited directly on the Bulletin website at Courses, programs, and Bulletin pages are submitted by the content owner(s) and reviewed by the individuals in a predetermined workflow.

Annual review by content owners

It is extremely important that Bulletin content owners review all information for which they are responsible and submit updates as needed every year by established deadlines. Please do not assume any information is up to date.

Publication schedule

The Bulletin is published twice per year. A Provisional Bulletin is published in early June. As much information as possible, including program proposals and changes, should be completed in time for the Provisional Bulletin. From that point until the final publication in July, additional updates appear on the website as they are approved.

Program and Bulletin Page Deadlines for the 2025-2026 Bulletin


Provisional Bulletin deadline: February 28, 2025

Programs—Undergraduate program change requests and new undergraduate program proposals must be at the academic editor step in the workflow by February 28 to be included in the Provisional Bulletin. If you are ready to submit graduate program change requests and proposals for inclusion in the provisional version as well, we strongly encourage you to do so.


Final Bulletin deadline: April 18, 2025

Programs—For program changes and new programs to go into effect in fall 2025 and be included in the final 2025-26 Bulletin, requests must be at the academic editor’s step in the workflow no later than April 18. Submissions that reach the editor’s step after April 18 will be reviewed with fall 2026 as the effective date.


Avoid having your course and program submissions rolled back:

All program requests that cannot be approved as submitted will be rolled back to the department/school. See Avoiding CourseLeaf Submission Roll Backs for guidance.

Bulletin Page Review

Non-academic pages, e.g., regulations, financial aid, tuition, etc., should be reviewed and approved by March 28 to ensure up-to-date information is published in the Provisional Bulletin. While pages can be edited at any time after the current Bulletin is published and the next Bulletin is open, but they should not be submitted into the workflow before March 28.

Admissions Bulletin Pages

Admissions pages are managed separately from other pages in the Bulletin. Admissions pages can be edited at any time. Program owners should discuss admissions information pages edits with their admissions office. 

Suggested Timeline for Course Submission

There are no established deadlines for course proposals and change requests as they may be submitted year-round. However, we recommend that you have course submissions at the academic editor’s step two months in advance of your deserved date of approval. The actual time needed varies, but that is a realistic estimate for the spring semester, when the volume of course, program, and bulletin pages submitted for review creates a backlog.

Syllabus template

Please use the most recent version of the syllabus template, which can be found on the Course/Program Approval page.