Course and Program Approvals

GW uses CourseLeaf, an online platform for course and program review and approvals, to manage data and convey it to Banner and the Bulletin.

All course proposals and change requests must be submitted through the CourseLeaf Course Inventory Management System.

All program proposals and change requests must be submitted through the CourseLeaf Program Management System.

These submissions go through an established workflow. Workflows can be tailored to department/school needs by request, but the standard workflow is set up as shown below. Contact Gabrielle Wingate, [email protected], to change workflows for your school or department.

  • Department Chair or Program Director
  • School or Academic dean
  • Academic Editor
  • Senior Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment

All program and course proposal and change requests, including all required supporting documents, must be submitted by established deadlines. Please leave adequate time for your submissions to be reviewed and approved at all steps. In the spring semester, when the entire Bulletin is being reviewed and updated, that process could take a month or more.

For both courses and programs, if your submission is lacking in any way, it will be rolled back out of the workflow and the process will start over from the beginning. See Preventing CourseLeaf submissions from being rolled back.

For questions regarding the course or program, approvals contact Gina Harris at [email protected], 202-994-6310. To gain access to CourseLeaf, contact [email protected]
