Program Learning Goals, Outcomes, or Objectives*

Program learning goals should be written as “expected learning outcomes,” that is, in terms of observable behavior that demonstrates the knowledge, skills, and competencies that students are expected to achieve upon successful completion of the program or certificate.

Each program should identify 4-5 of its most important learning goals. Each degree and certificate program is responsible for assessing at least one goal annually and for assessing all goals within a five-year cycle. (Programs may use learning outcomes defined by their accrediting bodies if this is more convenient.)

Questions to consider:

• What do you expect graduates of your program to know and be able to do when they complete their degree?
• How do these goals reflect the mission and aspirations of the program?
• What discipline-specific outcomes are required for accreditation?
• What skills does the workforce require of new hires from this program?

*We use the words goals, outcomes, and objectives interchangeably.