Curriculum Mapping
Mapping Curriculum to Program Learning Goals, Outcomes, or Objectives
Individual courses and curricula should be developed within the context of the program's goals and reflect a coherent plan of study.
Curriculum mapping is a strategy that helps to identify which courses bear responsibility for particular outcomes and to make certain that the curriculum offers a rational sequence of courses. The curriculum should be organized so that knowledge and skills for each learning outcome are first Introduced, then Developed, and finally Mastered.
Questions to consider when mapping program curriculum to program goals:
- To what extent are key program goals introduced and reinforced appropriately from course to course?
- How well do course objectives track with program objectives?
- Are there opportunities for students to organize, synthesize, and integrate what they are learning across courses?
- Are courses suitably preparing students for graduate school or a chosen career?
To create a curriculum map:
- Download the Curriculum Mapping Worksheet or use the curriculum mapping feature in TaskStream.
- Add the program's goals, outcomes, or objectives to the row across the top.
- In the row on the left, list all the required courses and any electives that students are encouraged to take; include any courses taken outside your department if these are central to the program’s requirement.
- Once the rows and columns are created, think about how each course contributes to the learning outcome: is the outcome first introduced (I), developed (D) or mastered (M) in the course. Add I, D, or M in the appropriate box indicating if the goal is introduced developed or mastered.
- Once the curriculum is “mapped” review it to make sure it reflects a coherent plan of study. If not, think about what revisions or changes you want to make to the curriculum.